Majhguan panchayat capacitates a population of 905 (Harijans: 503 and OBC: 410). There are two SHG groups fromed here Sharda and Awasthi. Being successfully operational for over 19 months now, the groups with membership of 22 women are engaed in fishery, holding consultaions on the problems of women and other village level issues.
Narendra Awasthi, a local resident had taken Rs. 5000 from these women and was not ready to return this money back to the groups. In such a situation where women felt a threat of losing their money, the entire group got collected and called for the village panchayat.
During the panchayat proceedings these women requested the panchayat to help get their money back, failing which they will seek legal guidance ranging from the local police station to the district magistrate. On reciebving this threatening warning the panchayat took immediate action and ordered Narendra to return the entire money without further delay.