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एक था गधा उर्फ़ अलादाद खान -Ek Tha Gadha urf Alaadad Khan- #SambhavRangshala,  #Nabil-Vimal
Sambhav Rangshala

एक था गधा उर्फ़ अलादाद खान -Ek Tha Gadha urf Alaadad Khan- #SambhavRangshala, #Nabil-Vimal

एक था गधा उर्फ़ अलादाद खान लेखक : स्व: श्री शरद जोशी निर्देशन : नबील – विमल भाषा : हिंदी अवधि : 1 घंटा 30 मिनट प्रस्तुतकर्ता : सम्भव रंगशाला स्थान : हंगरी स्टोंस नाट्य उत्सव , कला समूह , ग्वालियर कथा सार नाटक “एक था गधा” में दर्शाया गया कि विरासत में मिली सियासत व नबाबी में कुछ लोग नेतृत्व में सक्षम न होने के बावजूद ऐसे फैसले लेते रहते हैं। जोकि आम लोगों के लिए सही नहीं रहते। इसमें दर्शाया गया कि एक नबाब जिसके पूर्वज भी नबाब थे। वह एक कामयाब सियासतदान व लोगों का भला करने में सक्षम नहीं था। लेकिन फिर भी विरासत में मिली नबाबशाही के कारण उसका हुकुम मानना लोगों के लिए भी मजबूरी बन गया था। एक कोतवाल देर से नबाब के पास पहुंचता है तो नबाब उससे देरी से आने का कारण पूछता है। कोतवाल झूठा बहाना बना कर कहता है कि अलादाद खान मर गया था तो मैं उसके परिवार को दिलासा देने गया हुआ था। नबाब ने उससे पूछा कि इसमें मुझे क्या करना चाहिए। जिससे मेरी भी वाहवाही हो सके। कोतवाल ने कहा कि शवयात्रा में आप उसकी अर्थी को कंधा दे। जिस पर नबाब पूरे इलाके में इस बात की चर्चा फैला देता है कि अलादाद की शवयात्रा में वह भी उसे कंधा देंगे। कुछ देर बाद ही सच्चाई सामने आ जाती है कि अलादाद खान इंसान न होकर एक धोबी का गधा था। जोकि मर गया था। ऐसे में नबाब सोच में पड़ जाता है कि एक गधे को वह कंधा कैसे दे। क्योंकि वह खुद ही इलाके में इसकी चर्चा कर चुका था। इसी दौरान उसकी मुलाकात एक व्यक्ति से हो जाती है। उससे उसका नाम पूछता है। तो वह अपना नाम अलादाद खान बताता है। जबकि उधर उस गधे का नाम भी अलादाद ही था। अपनी इज्जत को बचाने के लिए नबाब अलादाद नाम के व्यक्ति का कत्ल करवा देता है और फिर जाकर उसकी शवयात्रा में कंधा देता है। इसमें यह दर्शाया गया कि विरासत में सियासत के बावजूद कुछ लोग जोकि लोगों का भला करने में सक्षम नहीं है। मात्र अपने स्वार्थ व वाहवाही के लिए गलत कदम उठाते हैं। जोकि समाज के लिए घातक साबित होते हैं। नाटक में बताया गया है कि आज के समय मे कैसे राज नेता अपने हित के लिए आम गरीब जनता को मूर्ख बनाते हैं। हुकुमत का पहला उसूल है आम आदमी को बेबकूफ बनाए रखना, सत्ता में बने रहने के लिए वह आम आदमी को भी शूली पर चढाने से वह पीछे नही हटती। नाटक में यह बात बताया गया है कि नबाब यदि चाहे तो गधे की मौत को भी राष्ट्रीय क्षति बता कर राष्ट्रीय शोक घोषित करवा दे। निर्देशकों के बारे में : नबील सिंह “गैरी” नबील सिंह ग्वालियर के रंगकर्मियों में जाना पहचाना नाम है I ऐसा नाम जिसने अभिनय और निर्देशन के साथ-साथ रंग संगीत और पार्श्व संगीत सहित बेक स्टेज पर विगत 2 दशक में बख़ूबी काम कर पहचान बनाई है I नबील के रंगमंचीय सफर की शुरुआत स्कूल के दिनों से ही शुरू हो गयी थी | स्कूल में रहते हुए नबील ने महाराज कुमार होजाई गम्बा सिंह के साथ रामलीला पुलिस वालों की में एक कलाकार के रूप में सम्मिलित हुए | 12 साल की उम्र में निशांत नाट्य मंच के श्री शमशुल इस्लाम साहब के साथ ग्वालियर में पहला नाटक करने का मौका मिला | इसके बाद निशांत की ही NSD पास आउट सुश्री नीलिमा शर्मा जी के साथ सात दिवसीय 3 नाट्य प्रशिक्षणों का हिस्सा बनने का मौका मिला और तमाशा , हवाई गोले, सबसे सस्ता गोश्त आदि नाटकों में काम करने का मौका मिला | इसके बाद 1998 में नबील शहर के वरिष्ठ रंगकर्मी श्री अनिल शर्मा जी "दादा" से और उन्ही के सानिध्य में शहर के अन्य वरिष्ठ रंगकर्मियों जैसे श्री पूरन शंखवाय एवं श्री संजय अरोरा से मार्गदर्शन मिला | “दादा” श्री अनिल शर्मा के साथ जहां मंच पर कोमल गांधार, मुन्नी बाई, कलंकी , जिस लाहौर नहीं देख्या ओ जनम्या ही नहीं , तिल का ताड़ एवं रक्तबीज आदि नाटकों में काम करने का मौका मिला I वहीँ अरे मायावी सरोवर , आधी रात के बाद, उजली जेठवा , ताज महल का टेंडर एवं कथा एक कंस की में मंच परे काम करने का मौका मिला जिसमे सेट , वेश-भूषा , संगीत आदि से परिचय हुआ | 2021 में दादा अनिल शर्मा के देवलोक प्रस्थान के बाद उन्ही की संस्था “युवा प्रतिभा सांस्कृतिक मंच” में उनके बेटों के साथ मिलकर एक था गधा और फंदी का निर्देशन करने का मौका मिला | वहीँ वर्ष 2022 में सुश्री सुमन केशरी द्वारा लिखित हिंदी नाटक “गांधारी” का प्रथम मंचन सम्भव रंगशाला के अधीन करने का सौभाग्य प्राप्त हुआ | विमल वर्मा : विमल का जन्म उत्तर प्रदेश के फतेहपुर गाँव में हुआ | प्रारंभिक शिक्षा मौरानीपुर , उत्तर प्रदेश में प्राप्त की | ग्वालियर में रहते हुते आपने एम ए एल एल बी की शिक्षा प्राप्त की | इसके साथ ही आपने भारत में विभिन्न स्थानों पर लगभग 800 नुक्कड़ नाटक किये | विमल ने विभिन्न निर्देशकों के साथ आनंद मठ , प्रताप प्रतिज्ञा , मुक्ति संग्राम , कथा एक कंस की , हरदौल , गुड बाय स्वामी आदि नाटकों में अभिनय भी किया | निर्देशक के रूप में विमल में अब तक सपना अधूरा , श्रवणकुमार , दुलारी , आनंद मठ आदि नाटकों का मंचन किया | आपने वर्ष 2008 में नव गुरुकुल सांस्कृतिक दल की स्थापना की एवं यह दल विगत कई वर्षों से सांस्कृतिक कार्यक्रमों का आयोजन कर रहा है | पात्र : देवीलाल - विमल वर्मा कृष्णा बाई - अंशु राठौर नत्थू - अनिकेत मिथिलेश गुप्ता पप्पू - दिव्यांश अनुरागी रज़िया बेगम - कनिष्का गुर्जर रज्जू - श्वेता राठौर तज्जू - कनिका श्रीवास्तव नवाब - नबील सिंह "गैरी" कोतवाल - अभिषेक सिंह राजपूत रामकली - क्षमा खोत अलादाद खां - राहुल शाक्य जुग्गन - मोलेश सिंह सेंगर प्रस्तुति दल : निर्देशन : नबील-विमल संगीत : वैशाली मिश्रा सक्सेना मंच सज्जा: अनिकेत मिथिलेश गुप्ता वेश भूषा : अभिषेक सिंह राजपूत रूप सज्जा एवं प्रकाश : संजय जी छायांकन : अभिराज सक्सेना
Avanti Journey 1
12 Days of Action-  Day 10
Jai Jagat 2020-30

12 Days of Action- Day 10

12DAYS OF ACTION: FROM SEPTEMBER 21 - OCTOBER 02 Jai Jagat 2021 – Nonviolent ECOnomy Campaign “The world has enough for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed” MK. Gandhi We need to ask ourselves: What changes can we and must we take to restore the health of the earth and humanity? Jai Jagat movement has been trying to facilitate a platform where solutions are exchanged, and local experiences are highlighted to answer these questions. The platform capacitates: Civil society Grassroots movements Government authorities and Intergovernmental organizations Academicians, among others Jai Jagat is encouraging people to take up actions and practices ´from the bottom´, based on Gandhi´s vision that everyone has a role to play in countering inequality and promoting inclusion. This vision called for: Simplification of needs or the self-limitation of desire; A decentralized, home-based, handicraft-oriented life that is respectful of both the natural and environmental world, rather than the modes of production which are centralized, industrial and mechanical; and Trusteeship or guardianship of ethics and spirituality over economics. Valuing local production (swadeshi). The next ten years (2021-2030), are “the defining decade” coined by Tom Brookes of the European Climate Foundation, converges with one of the long-term goals of Jai Jagat campaign, that is to promote Nonviolent ECOnomy as a holistic, practical and ECOcentric approach for societies living in harmony, justice and peace.
12 Days of Action - Day 8
Jai Jagat 2020-30

12 Days of Action - Day 8

12DAYS OF ACTION: FROM SEPTEMBER 21 - OCTOBER 02 Jai Jagat 2021 – Nonviolent ECOnomy Campaign “The world has enough for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed” K. Gandhi We need to ask ourselves: What changes can we and must we take to restore the health of the earth and humanity? Jai Jagat movement has been trying to facilitate a platform where solutions are exchanged, and local experiences are highlighted to answer these questions. The platform capacitates: Civil society Grassroots movements Government authorities and Intergovernmental organizations Academicians, among others Jai Jagat is encouraging people to take up actions and practices ´from the bottom´, based on Gandhi´s vision that everyone has a role to play in countering inequality and promoting inclusion. This vision called for: Simplification of needs or the self-limitation of desire; A decentralized, home-based, handicraft-oriented life that is respectful of both the natural and environmental world, rather than the modes of production which are centralized, industrial and mechanical; and Trusteeship or guardianship of ethics and spirituality over economics. Valuing local production (swadeshi). The next ten years (2021-2030), are “the defining decade” coined by Tom Brookes of the European Climate Foundation, converges with one of the long-term goals of Jai Jagat campaign, that is to promote Nonviolent ECOnomy as a holistic, practical and ECOcentric approach for societies living in harmony, justice and peace.
12 Days of Action- Day 13
Jai Jagat 2020-30

12 Days of Action- Day 13

12DAYS OF ACTION: FROM SEPTEMBER 21 - OCTOBER 02 Jai Jagat 2021 – Nonviolent ECOnomy Campaign “The world has enough for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed” MK. Gandhi We need to ask ourselves: What changes can we and must we take to restore the health of the earth and humanity? Jai Jagat movement has been trying to facilitate a platform where solutions are exchanged, and local experiences are highlighted to answer these questions. The platform capacitates: Civil society Grassroots movements Government authorities and Intergovernmental organizations Academicians, among others Jai Jagat is encouraging people to take up actions and practices ´from the bottom´, based on Gandhi´s vision that everyone has a role to play in countering inequality and promoting inclusion. This vision called for: Simplification of needs or the self-limitation of desire; A decentralized, home-based, handicraft-oriented life that is respectful of both the natural and environmental world, rather than the modes of production which are centralized, industrial and mechanical; and Trusteeship or guardianship of ethics and spirituality over economics. Valuing local production (swadeshi). The next ten years (2021-2030), are “the defining decade” coined by Tom Brookes of the European Climate Foundation, converges with one of the long-term goals of Jai Jagat campaign, that is to promote Nonviolent ECOnomy as a holistic, practical and ECOcentric approach for societies living in harmony, justice and peace.
12 Days of Action -  Day 7
Jai Jagat 2020-30

12 Days of Action - Day 7

12DAYS OF ACTION: FROM SEPTEMBER 21 - OCTOBER 02 Jai Jagat 2021 – Nonviolent ECOnomy Campaign “The world has enough for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed” K. Gandhi We need to ask ourselves: What changes can we and must we take to restore the health of the earth and humanity? Jai Jagat movement has been trying to facilitate a platform where solutions are exchanged, and local experiences are highlighted to answer these questions. The platform capacitates: Civil society Grassroots movements Government authorities and Intergovernmental organizations Academicians, among others Jai Jagat is encouraging people to take up actions and practices ´from the bottom´, based on Gandhi´s vision that everyone has a role to play in countering inequality and promoting inclusion. This vision called for: Simplification of needs or the self-limitation of desire; A decentralized, home-based, handicraft-oriented life that is respectful of both the natural and environmental world, rather than the modes of production which are centralized, industrial and mechanical; and Trusteeship or guardianship of ethics and spirituality over economics. Valuing local production (swadeshi). The next ten years (2021-2030), are “the defining decade” coined by Tom Brookes of the European Climate Foundation, converges with one of the long-term goals of Jai Jagat campaign, that is to promote Nonviolent ECOnomy as a holistic, practical and ECOcentric approach for societies living in harmony, justice and peace.
12 Days of Action- Day 5
Jai Jagat 2020-30

12 Days of Action- Day 5

12DAYS OF ACTION: FROM SEPTEMBER 21 - OCTOBER 02 Jai Jagat 2021 – Nonviolent ECOnomy Campaign “The world has enough for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed”- M.K. Gandhi We need to ask ourselves: What changes can we and must we take to restore the health of the earth and humanity? Jai Jagat movement has been trying to facilitate a platform where solutions are exchanged, and local experiences are highlighted to answer these questions. The platform capacitates: Civil society Grassroots movements Government authorities and Intergovernmental organizations Academicians, among others Jai Jagat is encouraging people to take up actions and practices ´from the bottom´, based on Gandhi´s vision that everyone has a role to play in countering inequality and promoting inclusion. This vision called for: Simplification of needs or the self-limitation of desire; A decentralized, home-based, handicraft-oriented life that is respectful of both the natural and environmental world, rather than the modes of production which are centralized, industrial and mechanical; and Trusteeship or guardianship of ethics and spirituality over economics. Valuing local production (swadeshi). The next ten years (2021-2030), are “the defining decade” coined by Tom Brookes of the European Climate Foundation, converges with one of the long-term goals of Jai Jagat campaign, that is to promote Nonviolent ECOnomy as a holistic, practical and ECOcentric approach for societies living in harmony, justice and peace.
12 Days of Action   Day 6
Jai Jagat 2020-30

12 Days of Action Day 6

12DAYS OF ACTION: FROM SEPTEMBER 21 - OCTOBER 02 Jai Jagat 2021 – Nonviolent ECOnomy Campaign “The world has enough for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed” M.K. Gandhi We need to ask ourselves: What changes can we and must we take to restore the health of the earth and humanity? Jai Jagat movement has been trying to facilitate a platform where solutions are exchanged, and local experiences are highlighted to answer these questions. The platform capacitates: Civil society Grassroots movements Government authorities and Intergovernmental organizations Academicians, among others Jai Jagat is encouraging people to take up actions and practices ´from the bottom´, based on Gandhi´s vision that everyone has a role to play in countering inequality and promoting inclusion. This vision called for: Simplification of needs or the self-limitation of desire; A decentralized, home-based, handicraft-oriented life that is respectful of both the natural and environmental world, rather than the modes of production which are centralized, industrial and mechanical; and Trusteeship or guardianship of ethics and spirituality over economics. Valuing local production (swadeshi). The next ten years (2021-2030), are “the defining decade” coined by Tom Brookes of the European Climate Foundation, converges with one of the long-term goals of Jai Jagat campaign, that is to promote Nonviolent ECOnomy as a holistic, practical and ECOcentric approach for societies living in harmony, justice and peace.
12 Days of Action- Day 9
Jai Jagat 2020-30

12 Days of Action- Day 9

12DAYS OF ACTION: FROM SEPTEMBER 21 - OCTOBER 02 Jai Jagat 2021 – Nonviolent ECOnomy Campaign “The world has enough for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed” MK. Gandhi We need to ask ourselves: What changes can we and must we take to restore the health of the earth and humanity? Jai Jagat movement has been trying to facilitate a platform where solutions are exchanged, and local experiences are highlighted to answer these questions. The platform capacitates: Civil society Grassroots movements Government authorities and Intergovernmental organizations Academicians, among others Jai Jagat is encouraging people to take up actions and practices ´from the bottom´, based on Gandhi´s vision that everyone has a role to play in countering inequality and promoting inclusion. This vision called for: Simplification of needs or the self-limitation of desire; A decentralized, home-based, handicraft-oriented life that is respectful of both the natural and environmental world, rather than the modes of production which are centralized, industrial and mechanical; and Trusteeship or guardianship of ethics and spirituality over economics. Valuing local production (swadeshi). The next ten years (2021-2030), are “the defining decade” coined by Tom Brookes of the European Climate Foundation, converges with one of the long-term goals of Jai Jagat campaign, that is to promote Nonviolent ECOnomy as a holistic, practical and ECOcentric approach for societies living in harmony, justice and peace.
12 Days of Action- Day 12
Jai Jagat 2020-30

12 Days of Action- Day 12

12DAYS OF ACTION: FROM SEPTEMBER 21 - OCTOBER 02 Jai Jagat 2021 – Nonviolent ECOnomy Campaign “The world has enough for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed” MK. Gandhi We need to ask ourselves: What changes can we and must we take to restore the health of the earth and humanity? Jai Jagat movement has been trying to facilitate a platform where solutions are exchanged, and local experiences are highlighted to answer these questions. The platform capacitates: Civil society Grassroots movements Government authorities and Intergovernmental organizations Academicians, among others Jai Jagat is encouraging people to take up actions and practices ´from the bottom´, based on Gandhi´s vision that everyone has a role to play in countering inequality and promoting inclusion. This vision called for: Simplification of needs or the self-limitation of desire; A decentralized, home-based, handicraft-oriented life that is respectful of both the natural and environmental world, rather than the modes of production which are centralized, industrial and mechanical; and Trusteeship or guardianship of ethics and spirituality over economics. Valuing local production (swadeshi). The next ten years (2021-2030), are “the defining decade” coined by Tom Brookes of the European Climate Foundation, converges with one of the long-term goals of Jai Jagat campaign, that is to promote Nonviolent ECOnomy as a holistic, practical and ECOcentric approach for societies living in harmony, justice and peace.
12 Days of Action- Day 11
Jai Jagat 2020-30

12 Days of Action- Day 11

12DAYS OF ACTION: FROM SEPTEMBER 21 - OCTOBER 02 Jai Jagat 2021 – Nonviolent ECOnomy Campaign “The world has enough for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed” MK. Gandhi We need to ask ourselves: What changes can we and must we take to restore the health of the earth and humanity? Jai Jagat movement has been trying to facilitate a platform where solutions are exchanged, and local experiences are highlighted to answer these questions. The platform capacitates: Civil society Grassroots movements Government authorities and Intergovernmental organizations Academicians, among others Jai Jagat is encouraging people to take up actions and practices ´from the bottom´, based on Gandhi´s vision that everyone has a role to play in countering inequality and promoting inclusion. This vision called for: Simplification of needs or the self-limitation of desire; A decentralized, home-based, handicraft-oriented life that is respectful of both the natural and environmental world, rather than the modes of production which are centralized, industrial and mechanical; and Trusteeship or guardianship of ethics and spirituality over economics. Valuing local production (swadeshi). The next ten years (2021-2030), are “the defining decade” coined by Tom Brookes of the European Climate Foundation, converges with one of the long-term goals of Jai Jagat campaign, that is to promote Nonviolent ECOnomy as a holistic, practical and ECOcentric approach for societies living in harmony, justice and peace.
12 Days of Action - Day 4
Jai Jagat 2020-30

12 Days of Action - Day 4

12DAYS OF ACTION: FROM SEPTEMBER 21 - OCTOBER 02 Jai Jagat 2021 – Nonviolent ECOnomy Campaign “The world has enough for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed”- M.K. Gandhi We need to ask ourselves: What changes can we and must we take to restore the health of the earth and humanity? Jai Jagat movement has been trying to facilitate a platform where solutions are exchanged, and local experiences are highlighted to answer these questions. The platform capacitates: Civil society Grassroots movements Government authorities and Intergovernmental organizations Academicians, among others Jai Jagat is encouraging people to take up actions and practices ´from the bottom´, based on Gandhi´s vision that everyone has a role to play in countering inequality and promoting inclusion. This vision called for: Simplification of needs or the self-limitation of desire; A decentralized, home-based, handicraft-oriented life that is respectful of both the natural and environmental world, rather than the modes of production which are centralized, industrial and mechanical; and Trusteeship or guardianship of ethics and spirituality over economics. Valuing local production (swadeshi). The next ten years (2021-2030), are “the defining decade” coined by Tom Brookes of the European Climate Foundation, converges with one of the long-term goals of Jai Jagat campaign, that is to promote Nonviolent ECOnomy as a holistic, practical and ECOcentric approach for societies living in harmony, justice and peace.
12 Days of Action - Youth Forum
Jai Jagat 2020-30

12 Days of Action - Youth Forum

12DAYS OF ACTION: FROM SEPTEMBER 21 - OCTOBER 02 Jai Jagat 2021 – Nonviolent ECOnomy Campaign “The world has enough for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed”- M.K. Gandhi We need to ask ourselves: What changes can we and must we take to restore the health of the earth and humanity? Jai Jagat movement has been trying to facilitate a platform where solutions are exchanged, and local experiences are highlighted to answer these questions. The platform capacitates: Civil society Grassroots movements Government authorities and Intergovernmental organizations Academicians, among others Jai Jagat is encouraging people to take up actions and practices ´from the bottom´, based on Gandhi´s vision that everyone has a role to play in countering inequality and promoting inclusion. This vision called for: Simplification of needs or the self-limitation of desire; A decentralized, home-based, handicraft-oriented life that is respectful of both the natural and environmental world, rather than the modes of production which are centralized, industrial and mechanical; and Trusteeship or guardianship of ethics and spirituality over economics. Valuing local production (swadeshi). The next ten years (2021-2030), are “the defining decade” coined by Tom Brookes of the European Climate Foundation, converges with one of the long-term goals of Jai Jagat campaign, that is to promote Nonviolent ECOnomy as a holistic, practical and ECOcentric approach for societies living in harmony, justice and peace.
12 Days of Action - Day 3
Jai Jagat 2020-30

12 Days of Action - Day 3

12DAYS OF ACTION: FROM SEPTEMBER 21 - OCTOBER 02 Jai Jagat 2021 – Nonviolent ECOnomy Campaign “The world has enough for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed”- M.K. Gandhi We need to ask ourselves: What changes can we and must we take to restore the health of the earth and humanity? Jai Jagat movement has been trying to facilitate a platform where solutions are exchanged, and local experiences are highlighted to answer these questions. The platform capacitates: Civil society Grassroots movements Government authorities and Intergovernmental organizations Academicians, among others Jai Jagat is encouraging people to take up actions and practices ´from the bottom´, based on Gandhi´s vision that everyone has a role to play in countering inequality and promoting inclusion. This vision called for: Simplification of needs or the self-limitation of desire; A decentralized, home-based, handicraft-oriented life that is respectful of both the natural and environmental world, rather than the modes of production which are centralized, industrial and mechanical; and Trusteeship or guardianship of ethics and spirituality over economics. Valuing local production (swadeshi). The next ten years (2021-2030), are “the defining decade” coined by Tom Brookes of the European Climate Foundation, converges with one of the long-term goals of Jai Jagat campaign, that is to promote Nonviolent ECOnomy as a holistic, practical and ECOcentric approach for societies living in harmony, justice and peace.
12 Days of Action- Day 1
Jai Jagat 2020-30

12 Days of Action- Day 1

12DAYS OF ACTION: FROM SEPTEMBER 21 - OCTOBER 02 Jai Jagat 2021 – Nonviolent ECOnomy Campaign “The world has enough for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed”- M.K. Gandhi We need to ask ourselves: What changes can we and must we take to restore the health of the earth and humanity? Jai Jagat movement has been trying to facilitate a platform where solutions are exchanged, and local experiences are highlighted to answer these questions. The platform capacitates: Civil society Grassroots movements Government authorities and Intergovernmental organizations Academicians, among others Jai Jagat is encouraging people to take up actions and practices ´from the bottom´, based on Gandhi´s vision that everyone has a role to play in countering inequality and promoting inclusion. This vision called for: Simplification of needs or the self-limitation of desire; A decentralized, home-based, handicraft-oriented life that is respectful of both the natural and environmental world, rather than the modes of production which are centralized, industrial and mechanical; and Trusteeship or guardianship of ethics and spirituality over economics. Valuing local production (swadeshi). The next ten years (2021-2030), are “the defining decade” coined by Tom Brookes of the European Climate Foundation, converges with one of the long-term goals of Jai Jagat campaign, that is to promote Nonviolent ECOnomy as a holistic, practical and ECOcentric approach for societies living in harmony, justice and peace.
12 Days of Action - Day 2
Jai Jagat 2020-30

12 Days of Action - Day 2

12DAYS OF ACTION: FROM SEPTEMBER 21 - OCTOBER 02 Jai Jagat 2021 – Nonviolent ECOnomy Campaign “The world has enough for everyone’s need, but not enough for everyone’s greed”- M.K. Gandhi We need to ask ourselves: What changes can we and must we take to restore the health of the earth and humanity? Jai Jagat movement has been trying to facilitate a platform where solutions are exchanged, and local experiences are highlighted to answer these questions. The platform capacitates: Civil society Grassroots movements Government authorities and Intergovernmental organizations Academicians, among others Jai Jagat is encouraging people to take up actions and practices ´from the bottom´, based on Gandhi´s vision that everyone has a role to play in countering inequality and promoting inclusion. This vision called for: Simplification of needs or the self-limitation of desire; A decentralized, home-based, handicraft-oriented life that is respectful of both the natural and environmental world, rather than the modes of production which are centralized, industrial and mechanical; and Trusteeship or guardianship of ethics and spirituality over economics. Valuing local production (swadeshi). The next ten years (2021-2030), are “the defining decade” coined by Tom Brookes of the European Climate Foundation, converges with one of the long-term goals of Jai Jagat campaign, that is to promote Nonviolent ECOnomy as a holistic, practical and ECOcentric approach for societies living in harmony, justice and peace.
Jai Jagat 12 Days of Action Summary
Jai Jagat 2020-30

Jai Jagat 12 Days of Action Summary

12DAYS OF ACTION: FROM SEPTEMBER 21 - OCTOBER 02 Jai Jagat 2021 – Nonviolent ECOnomy Campaign The 12 DAYS OF ACTION campaign is an opportunity to converge and promote the idea of SARVODAYA (India)- BUEN VIVIR (Latin America)– UBUNTU (Africa), as a way of living and coexisting with nature and human society on the basis of equity, sustainability and nonviolence. Our response to the main interrelated themes that have emerged from this campaign include: Peace & Justice ● In Nepal there will be online discussions on Peace. ● In Italy, the antimilitarist movement will lead some actions and discussions against nuclear weapons. ● In México, people are advocating for a society with peace and justice in the path towards peoples’ autonomy. Climate ● Large groups of people, mainly in Europe and North America, are organizing to demand climate justice. ● Young people are demanding to #UPROOT THE SYSTEM (Fridays for Future). To uproot the unequal and violent system. ● An international community promoting a fossil fuel non-proliferation treaty. ● Marches and mobilizations planned in Canada, USA, France, UK, to learn from local initiatives on agroecology programs, and people based economies. Land & Defenders of territories ● In South Asia, including Nepal, Philippines and India, there will be larger mobilizations and discussions on this cause. ● Who protects them from the constant attacks, repression and persecution by large corporations and governments? During these campaigns we will hear and advocate on the testimonies from Latin America, South Asia and Europe,. Food Security & Biodiversity ● People in Latin America, Europe, and Africa are promoting community gardens to grow food, exchange it, and connect people. Water ● For 12 days, we expect to learn about some of the struggles of these communities, and to have small groups sharing their local and sustainable projects. Forced Migration ● In France and Italy, people working with refugees will share their experiences on the challenges of creating a sustainable and safe space for them to grow food and to get organised..
Banjar-Save The Earth
Safe City Gwalior
SAMBHAV Voluntary Organization

Safe City Gwalior

Safe City Initiative, Gwalior The Safe Cities Initiative is being implemented in 250 slums in four cities – Bhopal, Indore, Gwalior and Jabalpur (collectively termed ‘project cities’) for a period of 15 months with field level interventions. The focus of this program is on primary prevention and on building state capacity to respond to VAW. In order to achieve the objectives of the program, activities are being conducted by using existing platforms, including: Women’s collectives- Self Help and micro finance groups Urban services- urban infrastructure; ICDS (PWDVA, Protection Officers), help lines, women police stations, alcohol management centers As mentioned earlier program interventions are rooted in aspects of the ‘ecological model’, which aims to address risk factors at individual, relationship, community and societal level in order to prevent violence, with a particular emphasis on the individual and community levels as follows: At slum-level with existing and nascent women’s collectives by focusing on primary prevention - through empowering women and girls to take initiatives to prevent and respond to violence and by connecting them to existing services. In addition, the Programme will form and work with men’s groups to challenge their perceived gender norms and reduce excessive alcohol consumption; At city and state level with urban local bodies (ULBs) and interdepartmental platforms by focusing on improving the capacity of state institutions to respond to and address VAWG, and build capacity for policy change and evidence-based scale-up of successful approaches. Three main intervention packages, which will be implemented at slum level: Intervention 1 Women’s Self-Help Group strengthening (SHG strengthening module): This intervention aims to strengthen existing and nascent women’s SHGs. The main activities include Community level training sessions (12) for all SHG members on financial literacy, followed by monthly/weekly meetings for SHG strengthening and organization Training workshops for select SHG members (2 office holders per SHG) in record/book keeping Workshop on bank linkages for select SHG members (1 per SHG) Exposure visits for select SHG members Efforts will also be made to signpost members of the SHGs to other training opportunities and services, in particular those, which could support their economic empowerment. Intervention 2 VAWG training to women’s SHGs (VAW module): This builds on the first intervention and aims to increase the capacity of women’s SHGs and their members to understand and take initiatives to prevent and respond to VAWG. Main activities under this package include: Trainings to community animators (2 per SHG) on ‘Gender and VAW’ and ‘VAW and Responses’ through 3 and 2 day training workshops respectively, followed by community action and mobilization Workshops on ‘Gender, VAW and Responses’ for all SHG members Safety audits at the community level to identify areas that are more and less safe for women and actions that may be taken to improve the safety in these areas. 6 thematic community level meetings to promote community action and create awareness on rights and entitlements. 10 interface meetings to familiarize SHG members with institutional service providers Further meetings on helping skills to equip SHG members to provide effective assistance to victim/survivors of VAW, as also to take preventive action. Intervention 3 Life Skills Training to boys and young men (Life skills module): This intervention will start with the formation of groups of adolescent boys and young men (aged 15-25) in each slum through a community meeting at which volunteers will be identified. A youth ambassador will then be identified from each group who, after receiving training, will take forward a programme of life skills training, awareness-raising and events on gender, VAWG and alcohol abuse with the other young men. As with the VAW module, the life skills intervention will also be accompanied by a range of community level activities and events. Activities under this intervention include: 3-day training workshop for youth ambassadors on gender relations, life-skills and alcoholism 1 day workshop for all members of youth groups on gender relations and life-skills 10 thematic meetings at the community level to promote community action 6 events at the city level with members of youth groups Weekly or regular activities at the community level All music and pictures are property of their respective owners. Sambhav does not claim any right on them.


Gargi House, 93 A, New Balwant Nagar, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh 474002, India

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