Who We Are
Sambhav is a voluntary organization engaged on the issues of women empowerment, violence against women, education and health. The organization works in the direction of capacity building of communities for community organization especially of Sahariya Tribal Group and Urban Slum Dwellers.
Mission Statement: "Building equitable, democratic and environmentally sustainable society."
Vision: "Striving for sustainable development processes and improvement in the quality of life of vulnerable people like Tribal, women and children through their organization and capacity building efforts.”
Change @ SAMBHAV
What We Do
An Experience of Working With People

Better Mother , Child and Community Health
Women Empowerment
Empowering Women Socially and Economically
Enhanced outreach to Education
Peace and Nonviolence
On the move for Justice and Peace

Advocacy & Livelihood
Promoting Constitutional Remedies
Handicraft Promotion
Promoting Traditional Craft
Violence Against Women
Addressing the Threat
Research and Media
Using communication for Development

Friends in Change
Madhya Pradesh Voluntary Health Association
Barefoot College
AkzoNobel India Limited
ReNew India Limited
Eicher Group Foundation
SIDBI (Small Industries Development Bank of India)
Bridgestone India
Punjab National Bank Housing Finance Limited
Pehel Foundation
Center for Experiencing Socio-Cultural Interaction
Microsoft for Nonprofit
Google for Nonprofit
NASSCOM Foundation
IGINP, Canada
NREGA Consortium
Right to Food Campaign
Development Alternatives
Pithampur Municipality

Get in Touch
Gargi House, 93 A, New Balwant Nagar, Gwalior, Madhya Pradesh 474002, India